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History of BSCG | Supplement Testing and CertificationLearn about Dr. Don Catlin contribution to sports drug testing, and how BSCG became the leading certification provider it is today.
Leadership World Anti Doping Agency ExpertiseWorld Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) expertise is vital to the dietary supplement certification industry.
Oliver Catlin: President and Co-founder | BSCGOliver Catlin: President and Co-founder and leading expert on dietary supplements and drugs in sport.
Interview with Oliver Catlin | BSCGIn a interview Oliver Catlin : As the director of the UCLA Olympic Lab, my father attended hearings with athletes who had tested positive for banned substances.
Don Catlin, M.D., Chief Science Officer & Co-founderDon Catlin, M.D., BSCG Chief Science Officer and co-founder. He founded the first sports anti-doping lab in the United States.
Drug Testing and Supplement Certification | BSCGIn 2004, BSCG helped found a new industry focused on drug testing and supplement certification for banned substances in sport. We remain the Gold Standard!
Ryan Connolly BSCG Counsel and Co-founder | BSCGRyan Connolly, author and advisor in the dietary supplement and anti-doping industries, co-founded BSCG and serves as the company’s general counsel.
CONTACT US | BSCGContact us for more information or E-mail us at BSCG !
Gold Standard In Dietary Supplement Certification | BSCGBSCG provide the gold standard in dietary supplement certification services. More info visit our website.
First Reporting of a Designer Steroid, Norbolethone | BSCGDr. Catlin Was First to Report a Designer Steroid, Norbolethone In 2002, Dr. Catlin was the first to report the use of a designer anabolic steroid in sport.
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